
Ap Biology Personal Statement Example

Decent Essays

I will return to your class this fall to study AP Biology under your guidance. Currently, I am the only child in a three-person family consisting of my parents and me. My parents are both chemists in a pharmaceutical company. They are both hard-working individuals, and I deeply admire their unfaltering patience in managing their priorities at work and at home.
With the rest of my extended family overseas and no siblings to speak of, I grew-up in a relatively calm household. Thus, without the lovely task of taking care of siblings, I am allocated more time to explore my interests.
In terms of athleticism, I must confess that I have never been physically-inclined. I prefer being “the brains” rather than “the brawn” in a situation. In a novel, instead of the crazy protagonist who leapt off cliffs to rush after the antagonist, I would be the friend who hauled him back from the edge and worked out a viable plan first. But I digress. With more of my time spent in my own head rather than outside, it was only recently that I picked up a physical activity of sorts (and decided to stick with it): yoga. After taking core fitness and the classes from the Pre-Med track, I became truly enlightened of the effects of my present lifestyle on my future health. Armed with …show more content…

Once again, I was not particularly taken by reading at first; I read when my second-grade self felt like it. However, when I got hooked on Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism, I was charmed by the adventures of an orphan-turned-starlet-and-hypnotist-extraordinaire and her pet pug. From then on, I became a voracious reader. Science magazines, fanfiction, online articles, manga, and insanely convoluted series: I dabble in a little in everything. Anything that catches my fancy at the moment spurs me to read about the topic, even if it requires a bit of research or seemingly random questions directed at those around

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