
Ap Environmental Science Personal Statement

Decent Essays

Science is in my blood. I grew up always being fascinated in science both physical and environmental. My love for science started early when I was able to play outside every day and performing my own experiments in the backyard. Throughout middle school and high school, I took every available science course, I simply just wanted to know more. I did not know my exact path of study until my senior year in high school. I enrolled into an AP Environmental Science class, a brand new test run course at my school. Thinking back to AP Environmental Science, it was not just the material that directed my study. Ultimately it was my teacher, Mrs. Andre, who strengthen the flames of desire and intrigue to continue along the environmental studies path. Her drive and passion every day is what inspired me to focus on environmental education and communication.
I have witnessed first-hand the same excitement that I had as a child in the children that I encounter while teaching at environmental centers. I continue to learn about sciences in order to …show more content…

I was fortunate enough to go to a high school that offered over 20 different science courses ranging from chemical to meteorological to forensic to environmental to physical. But this selection is not always offered at the younger divisions, let alone at most high schools. I want to see the inclusion of a variety of sciences at a younger age, because it will keep children’s interest and make them excited to learn about a new topic that they have not already discussed previous years. The variety will allow some students to excel that normally do not do well in science based courses. Not all science courses are not black and white for every single student. For instance, chemistry involves higher mathematics, while forensics is hands-on and earth science is observational. The skill sets for each science course is completely

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