
Appearance Vs Reality Macbeth

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William Shakespeare is recognized as a pioneer of English literature. Shakespeare's innovative style of writing pushed boundaries and his ability to tastefully allude to taboo subjects such as incest, interracial relationships, and infidelity broke the conventional mold of what a tragedy could necessitate. Along with all of that Shakespeare constantly incorporated appearance vs reality within his plays. No other play personifies Shakespeare’s capability to use appearance vs reality in order to provide a relevant, yet possibly controversial stories like Macbeth and Hamlet. Appearance vs reality is an essential element without it, they both would lose the intriguing factors that keep the moral of the stories complex and consistent. The strength …show more content…

Banquo brings attention to the bird that flies over Macbeth’s castle giving the castle a more appealing and welcoming presence. “ No jutty, frieze, Buttress, nor coign of vantage, but this bird Hath made his pendant bed and procreant cradle. Where they most breed and haunt, I have observed, The air is delicate”. (I, vi, 5-10). However, the fact of the matter is that is the very place Macbeth and his wife is plotting to murder King Duncan. Moreover, Lady Macbeth is basically the mastermind behind the idea of murdering King Duncan, she manipulates Macbeth by flattering him in order to get him on board with the plan as it is shown in Act I, “There’s no art To find the mind’s construction in the face.” (I, iv, 13-14). Lady Macbeth uses her feminine traits so confuse and affective manipulate her husband so she can get to her goal which is to be a queen. The three Witches also have a hand in altering perceptions about them whether it be physically or mentally. They seem to tell Macbeth about his “fate” as if they are looking out for his best interest when in fact they devise his tragic fall. The Witches are okay with bringing misfortune in anybody’s life which is shown in Act I scene I line 11 “Fair is foul and foul is fair”. One could come to the conclusion that everyone who seems to have Macbeth back or was supposed to bring him great fortune deceived him and consequently he is the one who must deal with the

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