
Apply Huxas Essay: My Life As A Person

Satisfactory Essays

Apply Texas Essay A

As a child my father was mostly occupied with work, so as a child I never had anyone in my house to look up to. Now as I have grown up I admire him for everything he has done for me. I have met many people who have impacted me, from teachers to fictional characters, but no one can compare to mi abuelo.
When I was younger mi abuelo told me that even if I do not have an older brother to look up to, he we will show me everything he knows about how to live as a person. How we all have a purpose in life. How faith can help a person. How comedy can help me even in the worst days. How humility can restrain a person from doing wrong. How respect is not something is earned but instead is universal. How communication with my family …show more content…

Nothing interesting ever happened to me except for mi abuelo. Me and him will always see each other over the weekends, that is when he told me stories of his friends, how he met my grandma, his regrets, from his proudest to saddest moments, how my parents are the best thing I can get even though I did not realize it then. Even when I didn’t have time to go over to his house I called to check on him and just tell him how I was doing at school and that I will visit him when I have time. By the time I turned 12, I moved here to Laredo, TX because of all the violence that was occurring in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. Even though mi abuelo lived just across the river I started losing contact with him, but I always remembered him and his “lessons”.
I have always admire him from how all the people that know who he is, talk highly of him, how he works harder every day even though he keeps getting older every day and how caring he is to his family. I look forward to the day that I can tell my future family of the man he is and hopefully be as lucky as he.
Now thanks to him I have grown to be whom I am now. A caring son for my parents, a respectful student, a student that always tries to outdone himself, a man who looks for every moral option in every opportunity, a student that values education, a cheerful man, a man that wants to go to

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