
`` Araby `` By James Joyce

Better Essays

Jacelyn Donevant
March 4th 2015
ENG 102
Professor Abbott

As we age into adult life we are faced with decisions and situations where we are forced to think for ourselves and suffer through the consequences of those decisions. Through those bad decisions and terrible ideas we shape ourselves into the adult we are creating ourselves to be. “A&P” by John Updike and “Araby” by James Joyce both introduce two young protagonist who both share in blinded adoration for young women. Both young men attempts to woo the young woman by proving their nobility. Both efforts go completely unnoticed by both girls and both young men are left alone dealing the aftermath of their failed nobility, which changes the way they view themselves. James Joyce’s “Araby” is a medieval romance set in Dublin, Ireland. As we are introduced to the story, Joyce describes the setting that takes place through the eyes of the young protagonist who remains nameless throughout the entire story. The young boy who begins by describes his home on North Richmond Street, and we get a feel of how it was growing up in Dublin during this time in which their culture was oppressed by Catholicism. The age of the young boy can be widely debated, we are provided with subtle hints throughout his introduction. We assume the boy is between twelve and fifteen due to him playing childish games “The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses, where we ran the gauntlet of the rough tribes from the

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