
Archetype In Salvation On Sand Mountain

Decent Essays

Webster’s Dictionary defines an archetype as a “a perfect example of something.” Mrs. Pettus defines a questr as a character in literature who engages on a quest to ultimately find self-knowledge (Pettus Lecture). There are certain elements that must be present in literature for a quest to occur. There must be a questr, and the questr must have a place he or she is going. There will be a stated reason for going, and a real reason for going, which is always for the questr to gain self-knowledge. Finally, the questr must also face obstacles along the journey. Dennis Covington, the questr in Salvation on Sand Mountain, is a journalist headed to Scottsboro, Alabama, the stated place to go, with an assignment to cover the trial of Glenn Summerford, a preacher who had possibly murdered his wife with the snakes he used to worship God. While covering the trial, Covington is invited to attend the church were Summerford had pastored and handled snakes. While at the church of Jesus Christ with Signs Following Covington is asked why he is in attendance. He replies saying, “I told him I’d covered Glenn Summerford’s trial, and that I was writing a book about snake handling” (Covington 20). In doing so, Covington has embarked on a journey to gain self-knowledge, successfully fulfilling the archetype of a questr. …show more content…

He said that he missed the days he spent in an old Methodist church, where the preacher was hoarse and sweaty from preaching the Word. This is the first evidence that Covington is wanting more than a conservative church service in his spiritual life. At the trial of Glenn Summerford, Covington is invited to attend the snake handling church, and maybe attended because he was not content with his current place in spirituality, and he wanted to experience a church other than the mundane one he

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