Regarding the personal life of Archimedes, not much was saved. However, the famous Greek still made his mark by being a great mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer. His greatest accomplishments have been regarding to mathematics, therefore being regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Although it’s a title well deserved, Archimedes wasn’t born a fantastic scholar like he was. Born 287 BC in the seaport city of Syracuse, Sicily, Archimedes lived in Egypt for most of his early life, but ended up staying for the rest of his life in his hometown, Syracuse. He was on intimate terms with the king, Hieron II. There wasn’t too much information found on Archimedes’s early or personal life, all records were
Zeus was the king of the Greek Gods. He lived on Mount Oylmpus and was the God of the sky and thunder. Zeus had several different symbols which included, the lightning bolt, the eagle, the bull and the oak tree. Zeus later married a goddess named Hera and he possessed many powers which gave him the ability to be called the king of the Greek gods. Zeus was the most powerful of the Greek Gods.
He was also known for holding a huge event to find someone to marry his daughter
born about 560 BC and died at the age of eighty. He was the founder of
Pericles was born in 495 B.C. into the wealthy family of the Alcmaeonids. His father Xanthippus was a military commander for Athens at the battle of Mycale in 479 B.C. Pericles started his political career in law courts in 461 B.C. and Pericles had many great accomplishments.
My accomplishments really date back when I graduated from high school. As the youngest of four, you would think I had wonderful romodels guiding me throughout my life and making it easier for me. However, that was not my case. I was actually one of 3 that graduated from high school from my brothers and sisters, and the only one that got accepted to a university. I am now happy to be a jr. at UTEP and be a ro-model from my nephews and nieces. I guess all those challenges really worked in my favor.
Petrarch had a very interesting life; he was born in Arezzo, Tuscany and lived until he was seventy years old. Born July 20, 1304 and died July 19, 1374. He had a passion for literature, but sadly his father forced him
People know Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius as one of the most accomplished men of his time and beyond. The Roman scholar, poet, orator, musician, and philosopher gave much of his knowledge to the ancient world in his lifetime. Through his writings and translations, Boethius made important contributions to the Middle Ages, and gave people a better understanding of ancient times. Boethius also proved himself to be a gifted man, making him worthy of praise up to today. For these reasons, many remember the life of Boethius.
Prometheus is an important person in Greek mythology because he gives the Greeks some of the valued necessities of life. He did many things in his life, according to the Greeks; he gave them fire after Zeus had taken it away from humans. Prometheus was commonly known as a clever trickster for the tricks he played on others. Overall he was a great hero that gave humans a couple of the very important things needed in life. His story is full of adventure and he shows a lot of courage. He also helps show what was important to the Greeks and what was valued like fire and intelligence.
He studied the arts. By sixteen, he was already known around the city for his contribution to lead a choir of boys at a celebration of the victory of Salamis in a battle they had been fighting. Years later, he defeated Aeschylus, who was known to be a play writer also dealing with tragedies and other various kinds of plays that he wrote in his time.
Hermes was a god of fertility in Greek Mythology. He was especially concerned with the sheep and goats raised by his principal worshippers, the people in Arcadia, Southern Greece. In ancient poetry, Hermes functioned as a messenger of the gods. Hermes was also a guide for souls to the underworld and for travelers. Also, he was a protector of boundaries; a helper of heralds, speakers, traders, and thieves; and a bringer of good or unexpected luck.
Sophocles was strong he was strong because he played a lot of strong parts. He was loved because many people loved his plays. Next he was inspiring to other people, and made many good quotes. He made this quote that included ; Without labor nothing prospers. One word Frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love I would
Pericles was born c. 495 B.C. in Athens, Greece into a noble family. A prominent statesman and strategos were his first jobs before he became a leader. His first jobs influenced him to be one of the greatest leaders of Athens. He ruled Athens from 460 B.C. to 429 B.C. Pericles prospered the land by strengthening the democracy, expanding the empire, and glorifying Athens.
He was likely born in Amarna, a town that Akhenaten created and settled in 1345 B.C. after moving the population from Thebes. Somewhere between 1346 B.C. and 1343 B.C., King Akhenaten had to abdicate, or resign. He was forced
Julius Caesar was a Roman statesman who lost it all to foolishly becoming a dictator with king like qualities. Caesars great-nephew, Augustus (then Gaius Julius Caesar) inherited through his late great-uncle, a civil-war torn, distressed country. Throughout the next 40 years from the beginning of Augustus’ reign in 27 BCE to his death in 14 AD, he transformed Rome into a place of great peace. Peace in Rome lasted from 27 BCE to 180 AD, long after Augustus’ death because of the development of the Principate, the reconstruction and social reform of Rome and the Pax Romana. Augustus’ Empire was undoubtedly the most important Empire in Roman history and the peace Augustus created was his greatest achievement during his reign.
Euclid Of Alexandria may be the best-known mathematician of the world, he is best known for his work on mathematics The Elements. The fact that his work has survived so long, 2000 years in fact, is a tribute to his mathematical genius, however very little of him is known. Three theories abound as to the true nature of this historical figure. Not all historians agree that Euclid was in fact a historical figure, some argue that the school in Alexandria took up the name Euclid to publish their works. But the more accepted theories are that Euclid was in fact a real historical figure who may have been the leader of a team of mathematicians.