
Architecture In Words

Decent Essays

"Architecture In Words", by Louise Pelletier outlines a comprehensible history of the development of art performance space. On his literature review, he focuses on the early development of theatre with tiered seating on a hill side and circular acting platform. Francis Reid followed this spatial which is stating the need to get audience and performers closer together was satisfied by placing seating in a semi circle around the performance. Theatre performance was a huge success from the development of the Globe theatre in 1559. The Globe Theatre was an open arena based on the Roman coliseum but it built on a much smaller scale. It was a thrust stage in an encircling courtyard which was surrounded by a 300 degree audience in galleries and on the ground (Reid, Theatre Space,2006,P.210)

Figure 4: The Picture Shown The Elizabethan Theatre Stage / Globe theatre The growth of opera in the 17th century molded theatre buildings in the basic forms that was emerging everywhere, the proscenium framed scenic stage facing a galleried auditorium (Reid, Theatre Space,2006, P.211). The development of the proscenium arch occurred throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and the design initiative is still prominent until today especially in opera houses. The performance space has a basic …show more content…

That terms of "empty space" was applied by peter brook which is theatre director. He looks for ways to wipe the 19th century notions of a theatre by establishing the theatre as "empty space". He began by eradicating the "traditional" trappings of stage and auditorium which consist of rows of seats, controlled exits, raised podium, curtains and the proscenium arch, those which reinforce the divide between real and ideal. As a result, Brook succeeds in creating a space which not only becomes a site for performance, but also as a performance itself

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