
Archival Description

Decent Essays

The process for creating an archival description for this project was extremely challenging for me. I personally did not realize all of the work that librarians, archivists, and information systems management staff had to experience in creating a description work. When I started my process, I began with reading the PowerPoint presentations given to us on Blackboard. For a while, the information was a bit confusing for me, because I do not have a library science background. So, I had to read and re-read the materials to get at least a basic understanding of what was required for this assignment. I viewed Wayne State University’s oral history page, and even learned WSUs oral history Civil Rights History Project: Survey of Collections and …show more content…

I also encountered some of their findings. For example, when viewing the MIT Oral History project, I first noticed how some of the interviewee early in the project didn’t have video. The video part of the project started after 2012. Selecting key terms was interesting. I selected key terms based upon how common people or events were mentioned during the interview. I started off with a large general category and then started to review now the interview was constructed, and carried key title terms over the keyword list. Margaret Proctor and Michael and Michael Cook, authors of Manuel of Archival Description states, “A name, word, keyword, phrase or code may be used to search, identify o locate a record, file or document.” And for anyone, this is very important to locating information. It acts like an “access point” to data. Also keywords can make searches easier. Doug Boyd, Danielle Gabbard, Sarah Price, and Alana Boltz wrote and internet article entitled Indexing Interviews in Oral History MS, Oral History in the Digital Age. The article states, “As with the subjects field, the indexer’s goal in creating of keywords is to provide representative and descriptive terms for searchability, and also to map natural language to

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