You will find Arctic Alaska on the North side of Alaska, it reaches from the border of Canada to the Chukchi Sea. The Arctic ocean makes the region's northern edge, not as many people live in Arctic Alaska. During winter time Arctic Alaska is a very dark place if in barrow the sun will set on November 18th and will not rise again until January 24th. In the middle of these winter months the temperatures can fall all the way to- 50º F in higher latitudes. This can be the lightest and darkest region in all of Alaska. During the summer time their is 24 hours of sunlight a day can melt seas and topsoil, and is the main cause of icebergs breaking The land was earlier inhabited by Alaskan Natives who thrived off of hunting, whaling, and salmon fishing
When thinking of Alaska, everyone thinks of snow all year round. But they do have months without snow and freezing temperatures. From September to April, these are usually the months with snow and freezing temperatures. In south central Alaska where Anchorage is located, major city in Alaska, winter temperatures can go as low -25 degrees Fahrenheit and the summer it can go as high up as 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Alaska has many kinds of landscape. There’s flat terrain, mountains, and hill country. Denali is a major national park where the tallest mountain in north America is located. Alaska is surrounded by the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean, and
The tundra is one of the cooldest land biomes on the planet. Due to the high winds and the permafrost there are no trees becuase it dosent allow the growth of deep roots. All the producers and othe need to get adapted to the cold temperatures, little sun and short growing season to stay alive. The tundra is considered a poor enviroment thats low in resources. The dead minerals get recycled by othe decomposers like the slime molds, fungi, and bacteria. Rain increases photosynthesis and decomposition. Air pollution kills lichen in the cold tundra. The warmer climates allow trees to invade the shade out the small tundra plants. And warmer temperatures can increase decompositon, while releasing more CO2 into the air causing mor global
To get to alaska people take many routes, like the all water route, the all Canadian route or the Skagway(Dyea) route. The all water Route is expensive but a safer way to alaska, it goes from seattle and goes through the gulf of Alaska to get to St. Michael's which is a couple days walk from Dawson. The Canadian route comes from the south west of dawson river though Canada, this is a foot route and it’s very dangerous. The Skagway, another foot Route, walks along the Pacific ocean up to Dawson city. That is the most common Route to Dawson city.
The Alaska Purchase happened back in 1867 followed by the Russia’s defeat in the Crimean War. The Russian Empire believed that the Russia Alaska was strategically difficult colony to defend against the British Columbia. The Russian Empire was already in financial troubles before the Crimean War but the loss increased the debt. Russian emperor feared to lose the Alaska without any compensation in future conflicts with the Britain. Plus Russia needed money desperately. For that reason, Czar Alexander II decided to sell it and attempted to sell it to the United States.
Polar bears are just one kind of animal you can find on the tundra did you know the tundra is the coldest biome of them all? The climate, producers, and consumers, are all parts that make up the tundra.
The arctic Tundra is normally around 10 to 29 degrees fahrenheit. Rainfall may vary in different regions of the arctic. Yearly precipitation, including melting snow, is 6 to 10 inches. Soil is formed slowly. The biggest threat to the Tundra is global warming. Many scientists believe global warming caused by greenhouse gases may eliminate Arctic regions, including the tundras there, forever. Another concern is that about one third of the worlds soil-bound carbon is in the tundra permafrost. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions by switching to alternative energy uses is key to protecting Earth's tundra habitats. The Tundra is located at the top of the earth by the North Pole. Switch to alternative energy
In the podcast “Alone Across the Arctic,” Pam Flowers talked about her dream of crossing the Arctic border by dog sled and after 40 years, it came true. No one sponsored Flowers, and on top of that, when she told her neighbor Dave about her money problems, he bluntly said, “Will what did ya’ expect? You’re five feet nothing, what are ya’ one hundred pounds soaking wet, and those eight dog of yours are nothing but a bunch of clunkers. No body believed in you and you’re gonna fail.” Flowers didn’t listen to a word he said and set out on her journey. She found wonder in the scenery but encountered problems like storms. Furthermore, the one time she put her dog Robert, with her lead dog, Robert got the whole team running towards a bear. Everything
In "Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land" former President Carter tells American conservationists of the importance of the Alaskan refuge. Carter explains that he is passionate about the preservation of the area and what he has done to protect it and the animals that inhabit the tundra. Using language to paint a beautiful scene and explain personal accounts, the former President shows conservationists all over America that he is on their side.
Many people would find it easy to sympathize with the conservation of the natural, magnificent wilderness and all of its glory; and Subhankar Banerjee, the author of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, A Photographic Journey, uses that sympathy to gain the reader’s support in his claims. While his article does offer a very compassionate viewpoint with vivid imagery to capture the reader’s attention, it lacks strong logos arguments to back up his claims and falls victim to a few major logical fallacy points that injure his stance.
What is the federal government’s strategy to support its claims to sovereignty in the high Arctic?
"Climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system that persists for several decades or longer" (Montgomery, 2015). Climate change (or global warming) can be caused by a natural progress such as sun 's radiations and volcanoes, or it can be caused by human 's actions such as land use, deforestation, and pollution. (Hardy, 2003).This phenomenon not only affects the environment, but it also affects human lives. Alaska is the largest state in the United States. It includes lands on both sides of the Arctic Circle. Sixteen national wildlife refuges are home to a great variety of flora and fauna. In the past 60 years. The Alaska 's environment changed drastically; the climate is warming up as twice as much in comparison to all the other states. This essay will discuss firstly the climate change in the Alaskan environment. Then it will highlight the changes in the ocean and costs, the effects that global warming is having on Alaska 's natives and the melting permafrost. It will then finally address who is responsible for this effects and some measures that can be taken.
First, let me describe what the Tundra is. The tundra is the coldest of all biomes. It comes from the word tunturia. There are two different kinds: Arctic and Alpine. I would live in the Arctic. Both tundras are settled at 55˚ to 70˚ north. The annual temperature is -20° in winter, and 45˚ through 50˚ in summer. I would have
The Inuits live in the frigid climate of the Arctic. The temperatures of the Arctic can be as low as -85 degrees Fahrenheit (Santella 10). Arctic is known as the “Land of the Midnight Sun because
The Arctic is an ocean, enclosed by several continents, including Alaska, Russia, Norway, and Greenland. Expeditions are usually undertaken between the months of April and September, when the sea ice has sufficiently melted to allow ships to pass. Some scientists define the Arctic by temperature and include all high-altitude locations, with an average summer temperature below 10 degrees Celsius. Other scientists define the Arctic by location. The North Pole, the northern-most point on Earth, has six months of unbroken daylight, and six months of unremitting night. The Arctic is the region south of the North Pole, and north of the Arctic Circle, and at these latitudes, the duration of incessant days or continuous nights, are shorter. The Arctic’s singular location, climate, and surrounding lands are unique. Following are descriptions of some of the matchless wonders you may expect to see on an Arctic expedition cruise.
The north and south poles also known as the arctic and Antarctic are two isolated regions of the planet located in each hemisphere of the planet. When for some reasons these two regions come to our minds we used to think in two far, isolated, cold, and uninhabited place of the world. It is true the they seem very similar but is actually the opposite. Their weather and topography is not the same, they have different animals, and their populations are quite different.