
Are Single Parent Homes a Dysfunctional Model of Family?

Decent Essays

Are Single Parent Homes a Dysfunctional Model of Family?

According to a recent study from CBS, the United States has the highest divorce rate of any country at 45%. Due to this high rate of divorce, many families find that there is an imbalance of family roles in these newly created single parent households. Being a single parent has its own set of challenges for the individual and creates challenges for the family such as, spending smaller amounts of time with your children, having an excessive work load and disrupting the wellbeing of the children.
Often times, single parents find that they are unable to spend as much time with their children. This can be caused by having to share their time with the parent no longer living in …show more content…

This stress can sometimes lead to an increase in risky behaviors, such as drug and alcohol use. Not uncommon, the newly single parent may find that they are more easily depressed or experience an increase in anxiety. When parental abilities begin to break down the opportunity arises for the children to also dabble in risky behaviors. As stated in the International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, “children in single parent homes tend to have higher absentee reports and higher dropout rates”.
Children of single parent households may find that they do not feel as close to the parent that they live with. This can be because the children are a different gender than the parent or because the parent has increased the children’s responsibilities. Children that are a different gender than the parent that they live with may find that they are unable to confide in or ask questions of that parent due to the gender difference. An example of this could be that a daughter raised by her father may miss out on advice that only a mother can give. Children of single parent households may also find an increase in their responsibilities as the single parent is no longer able to perform all the household duties that they were able to prior to becoming a single parent household. A single parent will spend more time outside of the home and may be unavailable to make sure that the children are fed at night and do their

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