
Argument Against Abortions

Satisfactory Essays

Argumentative Essay
Do you think abortions is okay? It is approximately 1.1 million abortions a year in the U.S alone. To me i feel like abortions shouldn't be legal in the U.S. Abortions should be illegal because it's killing a baby.Neatly 1 in 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortions. At a young age kids feel like they can't have the baby due to school they tend to abort the baby. Abortions is not contraception 21% of all viable pregnancies end in abortions and the ones arranging the abortions had one in the past. In 2010 over 8% of all women having an abortion had at least 3 in the past. Contraception fail when not used properly for men and women. Human life can be disposable because of abortions. A pope have claimed that abortions promotes

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