
Arguments Against Abortion

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"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born," vocalized by former President Ronald Reagan. When the word abortion is articulated, an automatic opinion forms in a person's mind; he or she is either for this controversial issue or against it. However, there are those who believe that abortion should be used in only special circumstances. To begin, supporters of abortion are pro-choice. Supporters argue that it's a woman's right to have control over her own body and reproductive system and that women may seek out illegal and unsafe alternatives. Abortion dates back to 1550 B.C. by the Egyptians and was accepted in ancient Greece and Rome. No authority in religion or government limitation should impede on a woman's right to decide on whether to complete the pregnancy or terminate it. The argument of population control has also been recognized as a reason, along with the reduction of crime and that the fetus has no pain inflicted on it. In cases of rape or incest, the trauma the woman has experienced influences and increases the risk of abuse or abandonment. Abortion is considered, at large, a safe procedure with the types being surgical by suction …show more content…

A woman should primarily take responsibility over her body and be attentive to the necessary precautions to decrease any displeasurable circumstances. Supporters state that personhood is present at conception, pain and suffering is being inflicted on the fetus during the procedure, and couples that are unable to conceive are delayed in the adoption process. The risk of future medical complications, such as ectopic pregnancies, doubles. The chance of pelvic inflammatory disease and a miscarriage also increases. Connecticut, in 1821, was the first state to criminalize the practice and New York following in 1824 by criminalizing any participation by the

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