
Argument Between Beowulf And Grendel

Decent Essays

Argument Essay: Beowulf and Grendel Many people have read or heard of the epic poem of Beowulf, which spins a tale of Grendel, the monster, attacking the admirable Danes and their king, Hrothgar. Some may not be as aware of a book titled Grendel written by John Gardner in 1971. Gardner’s book tells a completely different account of the more familiar tale of Beowulf, from the perspective of Grendel, the monster. The narrator from Grendel portrays a more plausible, powerful story than the excerpt from Beowulf by drawing the reader in with a more emotional viewpoint from the character Grendel, making him more relatable by giving him humanlike qualities, and clarifying why certain events took place in Beowulf.
John Gardner gave Grendel emotions …show more content…

He is portrayed as being intelligent, which is show with his by ability to understand the same language of the Danes that he encounters, even if it is an older dialect. As described in the text, “I found I understood them: it was my own language, but spoken in a different way” (Gardner 23). This illustrates that he is so intelligent, he was able to teach himself how to speak. Another humanlike attribute that Grendel has, is fear. This was shown when Grendel first met the bull and was fearful. As presented from the text, “he shook his horns as me, … I trembled” (Gardner 20). Grendel continues to describe what the bull could do to hurt him, “he could gore me to death” (Gardner 20). This shows that Grendel had the ability to process what is happening and have feelings and knowledge of what could come. Giving the reader details about his mother’s protective nature, could also be deemed relatable and humanlike. It causes the reader to examine Grendel’s mother’s concern for him, imitating the protective instinct of a mother. As written from Grendel, “fire in my mother’s eyes brightens and she reaches out as if some current is tearing us apart” (28). She wants to be able to protect because she knows he is distressed. Any mother would want to protect and do the same for her own child, causing the reader to be able to feel the emotion on the same level and being able to relate to the …show more content…

Grendel was part of “Cain’s clan, whom the creator had outlawed…for killing Abel” (from Beowulf lines 106/107). Grendel is a descendant of a clan that killed the clan. There may also be the belief that the Christian undertones in Beowulf may add a more relatable story to those of the Christian faith. As the poet sings about “how the almighty made the earth” (from Beowulf line 91). Within the same story it describes that the people of the hall prayed at “pagan shrines…[so] the killer of souls might come to their aid and save the people” (from Beowulf lines 175/177-8). It confuses the reader that at certain times they are singing of God’s creation as written Genesis yet pray to Pagan God’s giving conflicting ideas on whether the Dane’s were Christian or

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