
Argumentative Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

When Jack London said “The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time” he meant that you should live life and do fun stuff not just exist and waist your time, but use it wisely. For example if you want to do an extreme sport that could make your life more meaningful and make your life more worthy than a person that’s never done an extreme sport. You’re using your time more wisely by doing a extreme sport than just staying at home and sleeping. That could be a story that you could always remember, if you failed you could still tell people you attempted it which is still an accomplishment.

I somewhat agree with this statement because I do think that you should get out of …show more content…

Those people would disagree because they might be more on the safety side and think that the extreme sports are too dangerous. I could see how they think because doing an extreme sport could many times cost you your life or injuries. For example in the article “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers” by Lola Jones she discusses a situation where a man name Robson had a PHD and conducted researched on wingsuit flyer. He combined the scientific capacity of research of wingsuit flying and tested it out himself in the air (3-5). At age 31 Robson ended up trying out a route he’s tried before and just for making wrong calculations of two metres, he failed to clear the ridge, resulting in his death. (8-9) I could see how that experience could traumatize people to never want to to do a extreme sport in general, because if someone with experience and a PHD made a mistake like this just imagine a regular human being without experience trying the sport. Although there are lots of disadvantages these critics haven't considered the incredible benefits of doing an extreme sports, not a lot of people could say that they’ve done an extreme sport because most people are scared and don't want to take the risk of doing an extreme sport. While it is true that there could be lots of injuries and things could happen to you when doing extreme sports, it does not necessarily mean that you will die for doing an

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