
Argumentative Essay About The Mexican American War

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People who believe in peace may not want to read about the Mexican American War. In a time of peace, it is hard for people to think about the evils of war. The public has so often been apathetic towards war, especially when they don’t have to fight it (Blanchard, 1846). The day the war started it was expected that that the citizens did not approve it. It was also expected that there would be disapprovals because they weren’t satisfied with the actions, and that people would protest yet, they didn’t. No one claimed responsibility, the Mexican government claimed they had been invaded and was defending their country. The military that attacked claimed they were just following orders, but the President said it was Mexico’s fault that the war started (Blanchard, 1846). At this point in time church, and religion were very important. The church believed that war is a sin and didn’t stand on either side. The church was busy in their beliefs and stayed out of any type of politics issues, just praying for those who were killed and who suffered the consequences of the war. So, who to blame, nobody, anyone, it really didn’t matter because nobody will take the blame. This means that it was nobody’s fault or everyone’s fault. It didn’t really matter because there were still innocent people who died from both countries. The United States knew they had by far a better army so the invasion was easy. Although we see all the events that happened in this war we should not fill our minds with all the negative that is around and, it is understanding that it is hard not to when we feel our country has been disgraced when taken by surprise. Mexico did not want to give up and fought against the invasion (Blanchard, 1846). During this war there were petitions made to James K. Polk to end the war in Mexico. He was given reasons on why to stop war. They were favorable reasons for both countries. It was very expensive to continue with the war and it would have not killed many innocents if the United States would have withdrawn its troops. The United States knew it was stronger than the Mexican troops and still didn’t want to leave until they obtained what they came for. We could have negotiated a different way. It was probably the

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