
Argumentative Essay On Animal Farming Animals

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Poor ventilation, and filth in factory farms cause such rampant disease in pigs that 70 percent of them have pneumonia by the time they are sent to the slaughterhouse. More than 170,000 pigs die in transport each year, and more than 420,000 are crippled by the time they arrive at a slaughterhouse (PETA). Transport trucks, which carry pigs hundreds of miles through all weather extremes with no food or water, regularly flip over, throwing injured and dying animals onto the road. These terrified and injured animals are rarely offered veterinary care, and most lay in pain for hours; some even bleed to death on the side of the road (PETA). After an accident in April of 2005 involving animals being killed in transit to a slaughter house, Smithfield, a company that transports livestock spokesperson, Jerry Hostetter, told one reporter, “I hate to admit it, but it happens all the time” (PETA). Next time someone is driving down the road and sees a transport truck of animals, they should think about how those animals feel. Another reason a person may decide to become a vegetarian is because of the several health benefits. A vegetarian diet contains less saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, and more folate, fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals and carotenoids (“Blackbaud NetCommunity”). A vegetarian diet is sometimes recommended for people with chronic conditions such as arthritis and kidney problems (“Blackbaud NetCommunity”). Vegetarians are more likely to have lower total and LDL

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