
Argumentative Essay On Barn Family

Decent Essays

My barn family redeemed me. My barn family – for me – is more important than my real family. Not everyone has a barn family so it’s okay if they don’t believe that. I think everyone has some sort of safe haven, even if they’re unaware of it. Whatever that safe haven is it’s good for you, and my safe haven is the barn and my barn family.
Thinking of all my undone homework and upcoming deadlines overwhelms me and makes me want to cry. Homework never comes to my mind at the barn. One time after a bareback ride, I was lying on top of a horse and I made myself think about all the homework I still had. Even when I tried, being at the barn with the horses and the people made it impossible for me to become overwhelmed.
Once, it was so cold lessons were cancelled and the instructor didn’t come. Jen and I came out to work. We mucked stalls together for almost two hours, not needing to be on horseback to enjoy the barn and each other’s company. We talked some and Jen played country music – which I normally hate, but listening to it with her while spreading sawdust made it enjoyable. We each spent some time in the hose closet, which feels like a …show more content…

At school, I’m loud and excitable. At the barn, I’m the entire spectrum of human emotion. I can be whatever my mood is, whatever person I feel like being in that moment, and everyone is totally fine with it. I was quiet at first. I seemed like someone who would bring the mood down but my family accepted my emotional state and helped me to a better place instead of deciding that I was someone else’s problem. In the barn I can look at myself and see all of my accomplishments and good qualities. I can look at my body and see an average human body capable of amazing things. I struggle with accepting myself outside of the barn but being somewhere where everyone is accepted allows me to love myself. I’m still working on loving myself outside of the barn, but my family is helping me do things I couldn’t do on my

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