
Argumentative Essay On Bullfighting In Spain

Decent Essays

Bullfighting has existed for thousands of years and it has been popular in Spain for nearly a millennium. Its cultural, economic and social impact to the Spanish culture is undeniable, but it is a theme that has encountered a very heated debate over the past years. Anti-taurine claim that bullfighting is indecent, unnecessary and barbaric, but their arguments are often unsubstantiated. The aggressive and bloody nature of this spectacle has always created extreme positioning among people on whether being in favor or not.
I saw my first ever corrida in the ´´Valencia´s Plaza de Toros´´ back in 2008 and was immediately smitten. The crowd, the blood and the spectacle that bullfighting proposes does not leave anybody indifferent and I wasn´t the exception. I didn´t particularly like it because it is an event too strong, aggressive, and violent for me. I lived in Spain for nearly 16 years and that was the only time I went in my life. Whether you like …show more content…

Reputed writer Ernest Hemingway effectively explained that bullfighting is "a decadent art in every way [...] if it were permanent it could be one of the major arts". Bullfighting is an art, and the ´´torero´´ (the person that outmaneuver and eventually kills the bull) is considered to be the artist. Continuing with the same principle, the fans are the judges who, based on the artistic performance of the ´´torero´´, decide whether it was a good corrida (name of the bullfighting spectacle) or not.
Moreover, it is considered that the closer the bull´s horns get to the ´´torero´´, the better the ´´torero´´ and the quality of the corrida. Spanish poet Garcia Lorca affirmed that ´´bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter’s honor´´. Bullfighting is not about just evading the bull without risks, but about doing it with

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