
Argumentative Essay On College Cost

Decent Essays

In the United States today, college costs have grown faster than prices in other categories, the tuition growth has outpaced overall price growth in recent years. Many colleges raise tuition because they are uninhibited by the normal economic forces. Additionally, the higher education institutions have few reasons to keep costs low to attract more students. Thus young adults face high cost increases without necessarily improving the quality of education. Subsequently, families suffer hardships on paying the college fees and undergo the many burdens. The college costs problem should be addressed because the underlying costs keep rising and there is little effort to control the costs leading to many young adults facing financial crisis without the quality of good education they deserve.

Fewer students are able to attend college, especially students of lower income because of the increasing college costs. The cost of college is also decreasing the number of students able to attend their top choice school. According to The Fiscal Times, a recent survey by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA finds that the percentage of incoming students attending their first-choice college or university declined in 2011 to 57.9 percent, down from 60.5 percent …show more content…

The high costs of college tuitions are hurting the economy. There is a decreased amount of aid available for the neediest students. Four years ago, 81% of people believed that a college education is a good investment. That number has fallen sharply to 57% due to a combination of lack of available jobs and the increasing price of college. In order to find a good job, one must have a college degree but employment is not guaranteed, regardless of education. In order to reduce debt and increase the number of college students, the government must make actions to stop the rising cost of college and take steps to guarantee jobs for college

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