
Argumentative Essay On Date Rape

Satisfactory Essays

“When women go around braless or wearing short skirts and tight tops, they are just asking for trouble”. This quote is an example of the conservative views Camille Paglia shares in her article on date rape, which is the use of alcohol and/or drugs to rape a victim. Date rape has continued to prevail in our society due to the open availability of drugs and alcohol, the mixed signals the genders give each other, and the media’s portrayal of rape. Susan Jacoby had a sound argument because the leading cause would be the mixed signals and possible solutions would be classes for the sexes to attend so “no” is properly understood, educating the public on the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and having the proper portrayal of rape in the media.

Date rape occurs due to the ability to easily access alcohol and drugs. Alcohol is legal for anyone over the age of 21 in the United States can buy it and it is nearly sold in any store. There are illegal drugs, but the drugs that are typically used for date rape is found in prescription medication or sold by drug dealers. These two contributors make large cities a cesspool for date rape because the two can have an endless supply. Since colleges are typically in the middle of bustling cities, date rape ensues there more often because of the availability. In fact, there was a study done which proved that a large part of date rape victims are students. The use of these substances blurs the line between consent and rape.

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