
Persuasive Essay On Sexual Assault

Decent Essays

Sexual assault is a major issue in the world we live in today. The punishment that people get is never what they actually deserve.There has been all kinds of crime rates for sexual offence all over the world. Surveys in the United States have proven that one of every six women has experienced an attempt of rape or even a completed rape experience. Many women who are sexually assaulted are assaulted by men that they know,or has came into contact with. Women are rarely going to report that they have been raped when they know the asaultiant. With this being said there are alot of cases that are under reported. In this essay i will argue the many reasons why women are afraid to report a sexual assault crime made against them.
One of the main reasons why women do not even try to report the offence is because they know that nothing is going to happen and that is an issue. In the words of Kirsten Gillibrand “There is a pervasive lack of understanding when it comes to the true nature of campus sexual assault. These are not dates gone bad or a good guy who had too much to drink. This is a crime largely perpetrated by repeat offenders, who instead of facing a prosecutor and a jail cell remain on campus after a short term suspension, if punished at all.”(Gillibrand 28). A punishment for these kind of people should never be just a slap on the hand. Sexaula assault is a real crime and women should be able to see that whoever has done this horrible thing to them should have great

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