
Argumentative Essay On Eating Disorders

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In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life (“Get The Facts on Eating Disorders,” NEDA). This is in the United States alone. Imagine how many people are affected by eating disorders in the world. Even Though there is a plethora of people with eating disorders, many people don’t speak out and if they ever do it may be too late. Eating disorders can kill you and affect other factors of your health so it is important to find help. Although eating disorders are crucial, scientists, school, etc are trying to help people suffering and prevent others from having an eating disorder.
Even though people try to hide their eating disorders, there are still …show more content…

If your life is at risk, you may need immediate hospitalization. (Mayo Clinic Staff Paragraph 2). There is help if someone has an eating disorder even though certain ones may not work for you.
Along with signs and symptoms, there are warning signs that can help detect if someone is likely to have an eating disorder. “A gut feeling may be our truest indicator that something – disordered eating patterns or something else-needs our attention,” (Stephanie Haines Paragraph 6). If someone is acting weird and wearing bagging clothes that can be another warning sign. You should talk to the person who seems suspicious to stop them from risking their lives even more.
However, scientists are also involved with helping those with eating disorders such as anorexia. As of right now, they are testing deep brain stimulations are one of the therapists for anorexia. “LONDON – A small study in 16 people with severe anorexia has found that implanting stimulation electrodes into the brains of patients could ease their anxiety and help them gain weight,” (Paragraph 1, Fox News). This could potentially be another treatment for those with anorexia. If this works for most people then it may work for others.
Similarly, schools help kids with eating disorders by making programs and therapy groups. “Full staff training on eating disorders, covering prevention, awareness, identification of eating disorders, and working with students with eating

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