
Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

Decent Essays

“Nobody’s saying this will be easy. The important things never are,” (Fagan 14). Gun control is among one of the most disputed issues in the United States. Different views collide with each other and split our nation into two sides; those who support gun control, and those who don't. The United States should implement stricter gun control laws, because: the rate of death has increased drastically, guns increase violence, and mass shootings are at an all-time high.
Every year, thousands of people are murdered by handguns in the United States. These deaths occur because “...there are almost as many guns as people” (Cukier and Sidel 41). Faulty background checks, or no background checks at all make it easier for the wrong kinds of people to get their hands on firearms; including those who are mentally ill. For those who are mentally ill, less in-depth background checks make fatality rates increase. Suicides by firearm shadow attempted homicide deaths. Wendy Cukier and Victor W. Sidel state, “Fatality rates for suicides attempted with …show more content…

This amendment says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” ( 1). While yes, the Constitution states that anyone is allowed to have firearms, guns aren’t really used in self-defense ( 1). Also, the second amendment’s original intention was to protect the rights of the military force, not the rights of individuals ( Stricter gun control laws would not take away the Second Amendment, but would instead improve the current issues occurring in our country. Gun control would also reduce suicide rates. The harder it is to obtain a gun, the harder it will be for mentally ill and unstable people to point a gun at their head and pull the

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