
Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

Decent Essays

The most common argument today that the public always seem to bring up is whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana is a substance that can be both good and bad. It is a drug that can be both harmful and beneficial to people. Despite the many cons of marijuana, the pros outweigh the cons by a tremendous amount. Some people think that marijuana is a harmful thing to society, but in reality it is actually not as bad of a drug as people may think. Legalizing this drug would increase tax revenue and free up money being spent on unnecessary things, and it would also decrease arrest rates tremendously. Some people are against legalizing it, but if it were to be legalized it could be beneficial to one's health. It also can help with anxiety or depression that one may have. …show more content…

Marijuana has an economical effect on the United States. The government could make a fortune off of marijuana if it was legalized, which would in turn help our economy tremendously because it is in such a detrimental state right now. The effect of the legalization of marijuana. “... legalizing marijuana would provide the government with substantial economic benefits, first through ending cost associated with enforcement and second through revenue gained from taxing legal marijuana” (Miron 1). If the state legalizes marijuana it would free up more jail space and free money being spent on prisons and that can be spent elsewhere. The incarceration of marijuana is very expensive and the money spent trying the keep it off the streets could simply be spent more productively and efficiently. Legalizing it would also increase tax revenue which would help with the law

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