
Argumentative Essay On Magic Mushrooms

Decent Essays

Psychedelic Mushrooms

Psychedelic mushrooms are rumored to have a long and holy background, which dates back to 9000 B.C in North African indigenous cultures. Rock paintings, statues and manuscripts depict what some historians believe to be magic mushrooms. This idea is highly controversial, as other historians claim that none of the evidence found is definitive, and that people are seeing what they want to see. Westerners began to eat magic mushrooms during the 1950s; throughout the 1960s and 1970s, hallucinogenic drugs became widely popular and psychedelic mushroom use became inextricably tied to the “hippie” movement.

Along with the history of these mushrooms, there are other interesting facts about these hallucinogens. At least 144 species …show more content…

That does not include over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol and Claritin which are used to help with sickness. Taking illegal drugs will harm you and possibly others around you. Whether or not a drug is legal or illegal, people will still find a way to do it. People want what they can’t have. Think, if coffee was illegal, would more people want it? (I do not know the answer to this). However, that does not mean that we should just give in and start making drugs legal, because that is us practically putting drugs into people's’ hands. Drug addicts can end up on Welfare and find themselves troubled to find a job. Drugs cause people to make bad decisions and can get people killed. Pregnant women taking drugs could cause their baby to have birth defects. They can damage your brain, heart, and other important organs. People who support legalizing drugs state that the government should be more focused on other crimes such as robbery, murder and rape. These offenses are closely tied to the drug market, so if we could get rid of these unnecessary drugs, we could decrease crime rates. There are better, safer alternatives to using drugs. Some may argue that people should be able to put whatever they please into their bodies, but putting drugs into your body will ruin yours and potentially others around you’s life. If heroin was all of a sudden legalized, no, everyone

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