
Argumentative Essay On Proposition 8

Decent Essays

Proposition 8 – 2
Proposition 8

On November 4, 2008, proposition 8 passed with 52.24% of California voters saying “yes,” and 47.76% saying “no.” Proposition 8, known otherwise as the Eliminating the Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry, was one of the biggest propositions to hit the media. It spread like wildfire and was so popular that on June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled against proposition 8 making it legal for same sex marriages to occur in California. The idea of marriage was no longer seen as a man and a woman, but the idea that you can marry the person you love regardless of their sex/gender. According to the Huffington post on the battle against proposition 8, “Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its constitutional …show more content…

By using Greenberger’s Analytical framework model we will look at the steps it took for the Eliminating the Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry, to get on the ballot, pass and then nullified; and also take a look at both sides of the …show more content…

It wasn’t until October 12, 2007, that governor Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill approved by state law makers that would legalize gay marriage. On May 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the state constitution protects a fundamental “right to marry” that would also extend to same sex marriage. The people were outraged saying that same sex marriages went against their religion on their views of a traditional marriage. People also argued that gay marriage went against the constitution as well because people could no longer have free exercise of religion. According to the Huffington Post, gay marriage, “Protects the free expression of religion, as supporters of Proposition 8 were worried that Gay Rights advocates were not affording them the same courtesy-to live and believe as they please-as the Gay and Lesbian community was/is demanding.” All these events eventually lead to picketing against gay marriage and the voice of the American people was starting to be heard on this

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