
Argumentative Essay On Recreational Marijuana

Decent Essays

Legal Recreational Marijuana

Morgan Freeman, a well known actor who has played the voice of God not once but twice, supports the legalization of marijuana not only for both its recreational and medical uses. Many people are having problems with this idea because they think that we, as a people, are going to send the wrong message to our young people. In my own opinion I believe that recreational marijuana should be used as it has many uses such as helping the economy, providing jobs, opening a person’s mind, helping with depression and stress, as well as unlocking creativity.

Some humans do not possess the certain aspects, such as creativity. Some may fall in a states of depression from stress and some may need to unlock certain parts of their mind that other have reached. One of the nation's most creative minds, Steve Jobs, famously remarked “ The best way I can describe marijuana and the harshish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.” He is saying that marijuana has helped open his mind to new ideas. Also as said on the Nebo blog we as a people work in a creative society. The dependence of of our success is on a person’s ability to be creative and people are always looking for an edge and interested in what other creative people are doing and they are smoking marijuana.As well as for depression marijuana is an excellent stress reliever for some who do not have other ways that appeal to them so they may relieve stress.

Marijuana can help the mind but it

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