
Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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Our world today suffers from neglect, the neglect to help others, the neglect to provide the top help, and the neglect of a potential medical benefaction. Medical marijuana is a subject that has fascinated me enough to research and find evidence that backs this plant for medical purposes. As young adults, we grew up constantly being told to stay away from marijuana, “it is a gateway drug”, and “it will do more harm than good”. Not being a user of the drug, I have little experience to really know the effects of the plant and what it does to ones exterior and interior behavior. I seek to find why many believe this plant to be a medical breakthrough for various medical illnesses. In March of this year, I watched a documentary on television called …show more content…

Public opinion about legalizing marijuana has had a dramatic long-term shift in the past few years. A survey was conducted in 2015 that showed “53% favor the legal use of marijuana, while 44% are opposed” (PewReaserchCenter, U.S. Politics & Policy, Many have changed their mind about the legalization of marijuana. In 2006, just 32% supported the legalization of marijuana, while 60% opposed legalization. This has been an increase of 31% of those in favor and a decrease of 16% of those who oppose the legalization of marijuana. Those who support the plant are largely in the young adult group. Young people between 18 to 29 years of age had a 67% oppose to 21% of those who said marijuana should stay illegal. The 30 to 49 year category shows 62% for and 25% against, 50 to 64 years is 56% to 40% and lastly people 65 and older oppose the plant at 45% for and 53% against. This is due to those born before 1960 not having experienced this drug and when asked about it they responded negatively. And why do people want marijuana to be decriminalized? There are four main talking points for this statement. First, decriminalizing marijuana would free up police and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) resources thus allowing law enforcement to deal with much more serious crimes like cocaine trafficking. Statistics show “60,000 individuals are behind bars for marijuana offenses

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