
Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

Decent Essays

Many institutions believe that standardized test put a huge a whole in admissions. The SAT is a standardized test which test on three sections criticial reading, writing, math and one essay. The test is a 3 hour test which decides the fate of every high school student. The test is an altitude test that scores from 100 to a 2400 as being the max score. The purpose of the SAT to give colleges a report on how high or low a persons I.Q. is. Based on the I.Q. colleges have a choice to either accept or deny them into their institution. Does college put too much stock in standardized test? College put to much stock in standardized test for the reason that an I.Q of a student cannot determine a person success at an university. Its an indignation and disrespectful to see how colleges can predict a person success through a test! These test basically say in no words people who score less than the schools admission average do not have the intelligence to keep with the professors work. Colleges only believe if a person has low score than they would not be able to maintain or succed at a certain establishment. I'm sure that there are many famous people today who had low SAT scores but still go to big university and become well known for being on the dean's or …show more content…

Colleges use standardized test not to determine a students accepetance but to see if the student can handle the massive workload the university hands out. The point of the I.Q. test is not be little a persons a intelligence but to show the areas they lack and what area to improve. The SAT is not about how clever people is, but if they were people would probably wont be able to take it no more than 1 time. For the SAT student have a numerous of times to retake the exam and if the student did poor the SAT would take the best out of all three giving every student a pair

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