
Argumentative Essay On Texting And Driving

Decent Essays

What is the necessity with cellular phones? Cell phones are used whether it be to make a purchase, shoot a text, call friends or family, cell phones influence every day activity. In addition, cell phones give people the advantage of finding family members around the web, but phones give others a choice of piercing the World Wide Web (WWB) also. Cell phones are mainly used for texting, however there are times when cell phones are exerted out of context. For example, cell phones become an issue, if they are used while an individual is driving. This is known as texting and driving, which can result in an injured or possibly fatal incident. Texting and driving is something serious, and it should be cautiously and widely examined for a more severe penalty. Texting and driving is a serious issue in America. Although it has slowed down over the years, texting while driving still continues to happen daily. So, what can America do to stop this once and for all? Police already give out tickets to those individuals who text and drive. However, this just doesn't seem to be enough because this issue is still ongoing. …show more content…

Case and point, there are so many social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram, that an individual can be so concentrated on a what's new; or what's up to date, they forget what they were originally doing "driving". This means that other countries are not affected by texting and driving because not everyone thinks of a phone as a way of life. Yet again, this is why texting and driving is such an issue because of the day and age we live in, when driving while texting we lose focus on the road swerving if we are going too fast, or crashing if we are going even faster. In addition, things we can normally see now come into the blind spot, which makes it more difficult to maneuver the

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