
Argumentative Essay On The Gettysburg Address

Decent Essays

Did you know that the Gettysburg Address was known to be one of most inspirational speeches delivered? In the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln wants to change what his readers believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea that “All men are created equal” (Lincoln). If it weren't for Lincoln's speech, we might not be as free and equal as we are today. If it weren't for this speech, we might not respect and honor the soldiers who have bravely risked their lives saving this country and making it the safe and free country it is today. Lincoln is a very intellectual and smart person, so he is going to try and connect with people's brains. Lincoln uses America's history, tragic events like the war, and motivation to get his point across. …show more content…

Lincoln's first sentence in his farewell address says, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” (Lincoln).This quote shows how he is bringing up older events to explain how all men are created equal. He says how the founding fathers made this nation, so it would be a place where people can come and be free no matter who they are. Other countries have chosen to live under a tyrant, but most have failed which explains why he used this as a historical reference point in showing how we must evolve and move past that. Lincoln says, “ that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (Lincoln). This quote explains that there shouldn't be wealthy men or tyrants in charge of a country, instead there should be your average citizens helping and contributing to lawmaking for a government made by the people for the people will likely succeed. Previously, countries have chosen to have one person or only the wealthy make decisions, however, they make the laws to benefit themselves and don't regard the poor and other citizens which shows how there is inequality. It is clear that Lincoln’s use of history is present and contributes a lot to the fact that all men are created

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