
Argumentative Essay On Transgender Rights

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Transgender Rights, the Definitions and Qualifications Therein, and the Issue as a Contemporary Point of Contention within American Society, Including Modern Regress of Federal Policy

Following the landmark supreme court ruling in favor of same sex marriage in 2015, the issue of further LGBT protections has become a common concept of debate within the United States. Many politicians have an unfortunately uninformed and nuance lacking stand on the concept, and only 15 states have comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for transgender people. Louisiana, in fact, repealed a non-discrimination bill in 2016 under governor Bobby Jindal. As a topic of debate, there are a variety of factors that play into the acceptance of transgender (herein, trans) people, despite the nearly unanimous agreement of the medical community in favor of trans rights. The argument in favor of trans rights relies mostly on medical studies, legal experiences, and simple human rights postulates. To properly understand the inner workings of the trans debate, it is important to clarify one’s understanding of what a trans person is. Someone who is transgender has a gender identity that is different than the one they were assigned from their birth. The condition of not being able to express one’s gender identity is called gender dysphoria, and its symptoms can contain depression, anxiety, feelings of isolation, and, unfortunately, suicide. By this definition, being trans is not a mental illness, it

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