
Argumentative Essay On Violence

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Savagery, attack, cruelty, brutishness, assault. All these concepts play a role in violence. According to the dictionary, violence is defined as the behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, but I believe that it goes much deeper than that. In my opinion, violence can be emotional and verbal as well as physical. It is a universal concept that happens all around the globe, from fighting in Syria to shoving in P.E. class, but can be surprisingly difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Violence is controllable yet causes tens of thousands of people to experience pain, so why does it happen? How has it affected me? And what can I do about it? When violence happens it can be difficult to find the cause. A reason for this is that the aggressor often doesn’t think what they’re doing is wrong, or that it is justified. An example of this is defending your home or belongings from others. This can also be extended to defending your beliefs. A quote about this: “I don't even call it violence when it's in self-defense; I call it intelligence”-Malcolm X. The problem with this belief is that the line between violence and self-defense is blurry. Malcolm X is an example of justified violence, because he spoke for racial equality, but used violence along the way to defend his beliefs. Even at school, differences in religious beliefs or even favorite sports teams can become violent when one side is not willing to be open to different ideas. On a larger scale, differences in

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