
Arguments Against Adoption

Decent Essays

Taylor Barton
English III
Ms. Light
15 February 2017
To adopt and to be adopted ¨The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.¨ Take a moment a think to yourself what does adoption really mean to you. (Bach) When you ask most people about adoption they usually think of all the stereotypical misconception like adoption is to challenging for me most of those kids have too many medical or mental problems for me, or that costs way too much. That is the response most people give when they are asked, but there are some people out there that cannot have children so they have adoption to fall back on. People often think of how awful it is for parents to put their kids up for adoption, but …show more content…

Well, when people put their children up for adoption in most cases is an act of selflessness because they know that if the child stays with them that they won't be able to live up to the full and successful life that they are meant to have. There are other cases when people put their child up for adoption because they have been raped and can't deal with raising a child that will remind them of that moment, or they just can't handle the child because they are a teen who got pregnant or someone who has a mental disability who can`t take care of a child by thereself and they know that the child will be better with someone …show more content…

The problem and we need to deal with it, but we have to have perspective and forming a family can take time. Every way of forming a family can be painful and have its difficulties. In adoption, we don't have miscarriage, we have other issues, but we have to have some perspective about our own lives and our own families.” (Pertman). All though adoption is “painless” because you don’t have to go through labor it still could cause you some pain in the process if you get a child with a disability or just a child who is more challenging. Children who are older tend to be more challenging this is often a big misconception. When most people think of a older child in foster care or the adoption agencies they usually think of a kid who is to troubled so nobody wanted them, but when a older kid is in the system that usually means that they have no one to take care of them. This leads to them trying to act out not because they are too difficult but because they want someone to care for them or about them. These kids just need someone who can care for them because most of the time those kids have never had anyone to care for them. People often think that the adoption process often discriminates against people on the basis of age, marital status and sexual

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