Animals are loving companions for adults and children, and should not be manipulated for testing purposes. Each and every living thing deserves a life without cruelty. Instead of using animals for cosmetic test subjects, scientists should find an alternative. Since animals are different than humans, they make poor and unreliable testing subjects. Therefore, animals should not be tested on for cosmetic companies. Scientists at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) have found, “non-animal tests that are really valuable, informative, cheaper, and quicker.” This interprets that not testing on animals can be beneficial, revealing, and inexpensive. Alternatives that use human blood, cell lines, and artificial skin tests these products safely are being produced at the Scientific American. Testing cosmetics on animals is costly and unnatural. According to statistics, researchers say, “ The best way to stop companies from using animals is to refuse to purchase their products and to write and tell them why you won’t be using their eye shadow, detergent, or shampoo.” If someone purchases products that are tested on animals, they are supporting the use of animals as test subjects. Using these products on innocent animals causes health problems that could result in death of the animal. …show more content…
In other countries, animal testing is required. Animal testing is more expensive than alternative methods. Several tests are commonly used on animals such as mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs. Exposing animals to such products used for humans use could cause pain and irritation to the test subject. Researchers at the Humane Society state, “ and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of restrained rabbits without any pain relief.” This shows that scientists are conducting tests on rabbits to gather information from the product, which could harm the
Animal testing should not be used in cosmetic industries as a source of experimentation because it is unethical and inefficient. It is a cruel way of trying to find results that are not even always trustworthy. Everyone has a different reaction to different chemicals so why even bother animals for testing? Also different species can respond differently when exposed to the same chemical so animal testing can be inefficient. The results from animal tests can be quite variable and difficult to interpret therefore it may not be applicable to human beings. Thus, consumer safety still cannot be guaranteed even after these gruesome tests which are totally unethical. It is also unethical to torture and end the lives of these animals each year for our own luxury. Everyday cosmetic industries are using defenseless animals very cruelly just to carry out some most often useless tests. Instead they should use other alternatives which has been proved to yield better and accurate results than tests involving animals.
When using your cosmetic products on a daily basis, do you think of all the animals harmed and killed in the making? Cosmetics include products used by us every day, such as toothpaste, makeup, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. In the 1930s, the United States Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act compelled cosmetic companies to start testing the safety of their products on animals, beginning a long journey of violating animal rights. Since then, laws have changed, allowing companies to use alternatives that do not involve animals to test the safety of their products. Even though companies are not mandated to test on animals anymore, some still choose to do so for various reasons. Therefore, animal testing in the cosmetic industry is immoral because it is not mandatory and violates animals rights, and it has to end.
Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products, because its inhumane, wrong to do to living things, an they should not even have to do this to animals if their products are naturally and chemical-free. Around “100 million innocent animals are burned, crippled, and poisoned in U.S labs everyday,” for cosmetic companies (11 Facts). Animals should not be treated wrongly because they are innocent creatures that have no say or rights when it comes to testing. Consumers will start to leave and go away if they found out multiple types of animals were being tested on cruelly in labs. Companies should not even use chemicals in their products in the first place, if their products are good for our skin and us. Cosmetic companies should not test on animals for their products because animals should not be treated wrongly, consumers may start acting negatively towards companies, and chemicals are not even necessary in these products.
A rabbit lives its life trapped in a laboratory. It doesn’t get fresh air and has different products tested on it every day. The product can make the rabbit go blind or cause its skin to burn, but there is nothing the rabbit can do about it. This is what happens to animals every day from cosmetic companies who test their products on animals. According to Cruelty Free Kitty (2017), over 30 cosmetic companies continue to use animal testing to improve their products. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2017), “the agency has consistently advised cosmetic manufactures to employ whatever testing is appropriate and effective for substantiating the safety of their products.” This means that if the company believes animal testing is the best option for their product they are allowed to do it. Testing cosmetics on animals is cruel and inhumane, and people should avoid using products that test on animals.
Animal testing has been a controversial topic for discussion for centuries. Major conflicting concerns that include, but are not limited to the morals and values of society today, are in my opinion where these issues stem from. For instance, some people seem to believe that by using animals for testing and experimentation is unethical and violating animals rights. Nonetheless, a cosmetic company using rabbits to test the irritancy levels of it’s products eyes for the purposes of making nonirritating cosmetics for women who will use such products in my opinion, is necessary for human safety and usage. I understand that the testing process may be painful to the rabbits, and understand why some may believe this is an act of animal abuse or
Grace Zapf Argument Essay Animal Testing By: Grace Zapf, Ross Middle School Student Each year in the U.S. twenty million animals are abused and or killed. How can we prevent this? Similarly, ten million animals die in a year from animal testing on average.
Everyday cosmetic products that many people use, such as lipsticks, shampoo, face wash, etcetera, are verified to be safe using animal testing. Chemical burns and other short term ailments are very serious concerns that plague Americans and the knowledge that the products they use will not harm them and their families is possible because of animal testing. Also long term effects, such as cancer, have been discovered through animal product testing and promptly stopped saving countless lives. “NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS YOU’RE THE GUINEA PIG” (Source C). Living day to day with the risk that the products trusted to use on your children and yourself is enough to validate
Every year, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of animals are used for experiments worldwide (Cohn). In those millions, an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 animals are used to test cosmetics alone (Humane). Scientists shouldn’t be allowed to test cosmetic products on animals because it is cruel and inhumane, there are other effective alternative methods, and it isn’t necessary.
Finally, the products test on animals is completely pointless because feasible alternatives are available. Advances in technology have conveyed many other applicable alternatives to research on animals. Some of the alternatives are the use of new imaging technologies, using human cell and tissue cultures, post-mortem studies, laboratory results analysis and endoscopic analysis. Moreover, molecular epidemiology has also shown substantial potential in identifying the causes of human diseases. Currently, medical students are also taught using new and emerging technologies which are more effective and may not engage using animals for the research. Such technologies include clinical experience, interactive computer programs, human-patient simulators, studying case reports, didactic methods, and safe human-based teaching methods. The above-mentioned methods have proven to be more effective as the student is not distracted with the possibility of potentially maiming or killing an innocent animal. Therefore, when successful means of product testing are available without the use of animals, so testing potentially deadly substances on animals is
Animals are the most used thing to test products on. Animals used everyday to test products damages them mentally and physically. Animal suffer every single day from inhumane testing. Some of the testing that they do is on wild caught primates. Animal shouldn’t be tested on because it’s inhumane to do and is injuring the animals.
An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the United States for scientific and commercial testing (PROCON.ORG, 2015) and More than 4 million animals are experimented on inside British laboratories in 2012 (ANIMAL AID, 2014). Killing animals by laboratory experiments generates a lot of anxiety about the future of wildlife, which led to the writing of this essay. In the beginning of this essay, It will discuss both Points of View against testing on animals. After that it will demonstrate review of cruelty and brutality suffered by the experimental animals. It will then focus on the alternative methods and finally It will be shown that testing on animals is out of date. In spite of the practice of experimenting on live animals gives
Millions of animals every year are being used in labs to test cosmetics. This problem has become a worldwide issue and the U.S. needs to make a change by prohibiting the use of animals in testing cosmetics for safe use.
Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics has decreased over the years. However, it is still used by many companies in America. Animal testing is not only cruel, but it is also unnecessary in today’s advanced scientific world.
Millions of animals are being unneedlessly tested on for cosmetics, even though there are plenty of alternatives available and most of the results are unreliable or not applicable to humans. Although the fight against animal testing has made huge progress recently, America has yet to stop this cruel practice and chooses to torture animals while other countries are making a stop to the testing (“Animal Testing 101”).
Anti-testing activists deem these unnecessary and consider them to be cruel. “Fourteen million animals are used currently in the U.S. to test toxicity and irritancy of cosmetics and household products” (Hannah). Many new forms of safety tests are being developed by companies to save money along with the lives of innocent animals.