
Arguments Against Racism

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Nataly De La Torre Ms.Nelson A2 Under our justice system Citizens are not treated fairly Under our justice system Citizens are not treated fairly in our courts of law. There's a lot of unfair punishment on people who are innocent, on people who what they have done to bring them to court isn't as bad as others. There's a lot of unfairness against cultures or color of skin or the way their appearance is that treatment is so called “Racism”. The nation's most high profile murder cases don't result in death sentence because the defendant can afford better lawyers who can negotiate deals. While there's other people who have done robberies or crimes smaller than a murder, if they can't afford a good lawyer they have to get what they get and suffer consequences. That's not how it should be. People need to be treated equal and money should not affect! They should get the help they need to be able to receive help. …show more content…

They also say, “You just have to get used to it’ but no we don't have to get used to it. We will fight for our rights to be treated fairly!. Many government policies and instructions are explicitly designed to promote these important public values. The government Is trying to get it to be fair for everyone, that way everybody will be treated The right way. Justice should not be for sale it should and must be available to all people equally and only government can provide that justice must be available for everyone not only for some citizens. Citizens do not need to feel like if they have to earn or buy justice!. It should be available to

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