
Ariel, The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath

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Ariel, The Bell Jar, Daddy. Sylvia Plath had an extremely complicated lifestyle, and it very much reflected in these books and poems she published. Each one represented a different hardship Plath experienced, yet one in particular stood out above them all. ‘The Bell Jar’, a novel about a young woman named Esther, living in New York City for a one month internship, who is lost and depressed in her world, feeling like no one understands her. The book’s writing techniques include imitating personal events Plath went through. One example of this is in the quote, “ “I hate her”, I said, and waited for the blow to fall.”. That moment where Esther confided in her doctor this was a symbol of Sylvia Plath’s hatred of her mother, Aurelia Plath. Esther had a horrible relationship with her mom, as did the troubled author in real life. Therefore, she included it in her novel. When young Sylvia was only eight, her father, Otto, tragically passed away. Enraged, she believed her father left her on purpose, and stopped believing God shortly after. It turned her whole life upside down, and it is thought that being stuck with her strict mother all those years fueled the fire in their rocky relationship. Eventually, she became obsessed with the hatred of Aurelia Plath, and based many books on her. More than often, she portrayed her mother as the evil protagonist in them. Moreover, her technique was displayed in the following, “[The Rosenbergs' execution] had nothing to do with

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