
Aristotle Final Good

Decent Essays

Aristotle begins to question what is good? The good is explained to differ in different activities and arts, but shares a common ground because it appears to be for the sake of how things are done; a means to an end. Aristotle uses the example of medicine; its mean is to end in health. However, there are many different ends and humans chose some of them, as a means to something else, therefore not all ends are final ones. That which is chosen never as a mean to something else proves to be more final than that which is chosen for itself and something else. Therefore, Aristotle justifies that the mean that is always chosen for itself and not for means of something else is called the final. Aristotle uses this definition and applies it to happiness, since happiness is always chosen as an end in itself and never for the sake of something else. The thought of honor, pleasure and virtue being chosen as an end for itself may apply but can be assumed they lead to happiness as a means to an end. …show more content…

When thinking about the final, it can be accepted that the final good, to be self-sufficient, something it itself that makes life worth living and is not limited to man alone. For something to be a final good it needs to not be defined by itself alone but for political beings as well, something that can be shared with family and friends. A self-sufficient thing takes itself and makes something desirable. Again, Aristotle fits happiness into this definition because happiness is the most desirable thing. Thus to Aristotle, happiness is the end that all acts are directed towards, both final and

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