
Aristotle Friendship Essay

Decent Essays

Aristotle has written and discussed various subjects in search for moral character and virtue. One virtue in specific is friendship. He theorizes that there are three types of friendship; one of utility, one of pleasure, and one of virtue. A friendship in which one person is gaining materialistic or social gain from the other is a friendship of utility. Aristotle argues that friendship surpasses justice.
Imagine the friends one associates with in high school or college, those friends are always either inviting you to party or making you laugh, that friendship would be considered one of pleasure. Now, the friendship of virtue, in Aristotle’s theory, is one where both individuals are equal to one another in all aspects. If both are equal there is nothing to gain from one another. Both parties respect for each other, care for one another, and have trust in the other person. To Aristotle, the excellent person is related to his friend in the same way as he is related to himself, since, a friend is another self; and therefore, just as his own …show more content…

This is because those bonds are easily broken. In utility, he explains that it is a shallow friendship. Aristotle uses the example of trade in which the relationship involve two opposite people not equal. One doesn’t have what the other has and either needs or wants it in order to maximize their trade. In other words, he is trying to explain that this friendship is purely beneficial. This relationship is shattered no matter how small the change is if it is no longer beneficial. An example of this is the relationship between a person and their hairstylist. Once the person finds another hair stylist who can do the work better or cheaper the “friendship” is over. He explains that a better word for this is acquaintance. This is a person who one knows slightly, but who is not a close

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