
Aristotle 's Theory Of Happiness

Decent Essays

Human Being Can Actually Live a Contented Life
Happiness is one of the biggest subjects that have the most influence in a person’s life in today’s world. People have discovered that happiness is actually related to multiple benefits of our mental and physical health. Every person wants to experience true happiness throughout his/her life. Nevertheless, everyone is suffering finding sustainable happiness. Aristotle, in his work called Nicomachean Ethics, presents the concept that living a virtuous life will produce sustainable happiness for a lifetime. According to Aristotle, everything we do aims to some goods, or ends, and for him, the best good would be happiness. Additionally, he mentions that happiness is not easy to defined, some people are confused between happiness and other things. Besides, he also suggests that virtue is essential for achieving happiness as the ultimate goal. He further indicates that the soul and its virtues is based on “the mean” between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. That is, Aristotle’s theory of the mean can work to bring us sustainable happiness because the balancing act goes on all through life and it is a way for us to improve our character, to deal with the inevitable hardships of life and to strive for the “best good”. Therefore, to live in a virtue life, we must live in the mean, and if we do so, we will experience satisfaction. Aristotle’s argument in the Nicomachean Ethics, that living one’s life in “the mean”,

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