
Aristotle's Book: On The Good

Decent Essays

In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Book: On the Good he comes to the conclusion that the good of man is the active exercise of his soul’s faculties in conformity with excellence or virtue. In order to understand how he came to this conclusion, we must retrace and further understand his arguments.
In the beginning of his book he says that “Good is that at which all things aim” and that all arts aim for ends. He also believes that end “is some product over and above the mere exercise of the art… these products are essentially superior in value to the activities”. He is saying that the product of the end or Telos is greater then what the activity is started with. Telos is the goal, purpose, or end of all arts. Therefore, Aristotle implies that …show more content…

However, what state they are in will affect what they believe happiness is. For example if they are sick they think happiness is health and when they are poor they believe being wealthy is happiness. Being happy is conceived as the good life or doing well but “what constitutes happiness is a matter of dispute” and what many people believe happiness is differs from what philosophers believe.
Supreme good is something absolutely final. It is something that is never used as means but always as finals. Pleasure, honor, and wealth are not examples of supreme good because they are used as means and finals. An example of a supreme good is happiness because “we always choose it for its own sake and never as a means to something else”.
When Aristotle talks about “the function of man is the active exercise of the soul’s conformity with rational principle” he means that in order for the man to function the human being must use reason in conformity with his soul. If the human being does this then they can partake in noble activities. Unlike an animal who is unable to take part in noble activities because they cannot reason. When he talks about the notion of activity and what it means for something to exist he talks about “the function of a good man is to perform these activities well and rightly”, whereas the function of a man is to perform activities normally. For example the “function of a harper is to play the harp but the function of a good harper is to play the harp

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