Happiness is what one defines as a set limit of true enjoyment. We all have our own kinds of happiness whether it is in the state of mind or a plan of action. Most of humanity cheerfulness will not match because of their clarity of life but there may be some similar steps to get to the point in which appeal to their form of happiness. Aristotle touched a lot of key concept to the definition of happiness which proves that we all have a different understanding of what is expected as happiness. Aristotle defines happiness as the virtue of good and desirable of people. Aristotle think everything we do in life as humans have a greater purpose. According to Aristotle articles, whether you realize it at the moment or not the things you do have a greater …show more content…
which is basically question a person version of happiness. some people believes that drugs are the trigger to their happiness the thing that gives them that emotional and mental joy. Drug may be a form of happiness but the after effect of them makes it understandable of why it should be ban even if it is a question of some people idea of happiness. I think it is okay if people version of happiness intersects as long as it is in a positive light, when it comes to drugs its mostly predicted not positive because of the actions of many people when they are not on the right state of mind. I personally side with Aristotle version of happiness were one seeks what pleasurable and desirable to them and the desire that makes them happy.
Aristotle describes happiness as the aim of every actions. Aristotle touched on all point of happiness in which he thinks generate an individual happiness. It is the human nature to do something because it will or may lead to making them in the end whether they know it or not, the greater purpose of their work is usually to have that smile of gratification. “for the former think it is some plain
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Understanding the Ethic in practice book about legalizing and decriminalizing is very persuasive. They are using the human right as individuals to argue their point, which is do as they please with their body that I can comprehend because we all have the basic rights. I agree with the fact that people have the right to consume drugs if they choose to do so because it is their form of happiness but I like Aristotle said real happiness must be virtuous and good, the concept which is why I believe it is wrong and shouldn’t be legalize. When someone consume drugs they don’t have as much control over their body they tend to do things without rationalizing things out first because they are not in the right start of mind. Doing drugs is an act of choice which means there is a time and place for it. I believe the problem with drugs wouldn’t be as big as it is today if people who are consuming it are doing it at the right place and right time but since they are not doing it the right place o right time I should be taken away as a whole. The wrong people are also consuming drugs like mother, teenager and even preteens as well, that is an early damaging to the body and also shortening the development of their life. for example, a pregnant mother shouldn’t consume drugs, there should be a punishment to a mother that consume drugs while pregnant because they are affecting the life of an unborn child “cocaine can harm the fetus
In sociology, the definition of a drug is “any chemical substance that has a direct affect on the user’s physical, psychological, and/or intellectual functioning” (“Drugs” 3). According to this definition, many people may argue that the United States is a pro-drug society because of its legalization of alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals, however I believe that the United States is an anti-drug society. Although the United States has legalized tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals, there are many drugs that are still illegal. It can be assume that these illegal drugs they are dangerous and somehow poses a threat to society, but its illegalization has more to do with economics and power more than anything else. According to the film, “A Marijuana
Quote: “Happiness is often misunderstood as a synonym for pleasure or as an antonym for suffering. But as Aristotle associated happiness with ethics….. In his ethics, Aristotle wrote, ‘if happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence..” (Page 678).
Those against recreational drug use often argue that it is immoral because it is degrading and leads to addiction (Richards 2-3)(Fieser 1)(Wilson 26). David A.J. Richards’s Sex, Drugs, Death and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights
To begin, one must learn what happiness means to Aristotle. He considers happiness to be simply the name of the good life. This is not to say that the good life produces
The definition of happiness has long been disputed. According to Aristotle, happiness is the highest good and the ultimate end goal—for it is self-reliant. This idea contradicted other common beliefs and philosophical theories. Aristotle opens his work by describing the various theories, neutrally examines each idea, and discloses how he thinks the theory is wrong and why his idea of happiness is more accurate.
Happiness is an absolute state of mind, where a person can realize the ultimate contentment in their life regardless of circumstances. Happiness is the end of every desire, after which nothing is desirable. Socrates believes that happiness is a concept of morality and the stable state of ones’ mind, which is non-dependable on the material goods, resources and circumstances. Whereas Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics, states that “happiness depends on our self”, where both the material satisfaction and internal satisfaction is required to relish the human life in a happy way. Both philosophers are stressed upon the ultimate satisfaction of life and ‘supreme goods’. The only major difference between the Socrates and Aristotle’s definitions
Constantine I widely known as Constantine the Great was a Roman Emperor that became the first Roman Emperor to declare his religion as Christianity. Constantine led the Roman Empire from 313 – 337 A.D. until his death in May of 337 A.D. Constantine played a great role in the history of Christianity and the creation of a new capital in the Roman Empire – Constantinople.
1 What does Scout think of current fashions in education? What evidence is there that she feels this way (consider who she uses as a comparison to her own experiences)?
“Happiness in particular is believed to be complete without qualification, since we always choose it for itself and never for the sake of anything else. Honour, pleasure, intellect, and every virtue we do indeed choose for themselves (since we would choose each of them even if they had no good effects), but we choose them also for the sake of happiness, on the assumption that through them we shall live a life of happiness; whereas happiness no one chooses for the sake of any of these nor indeed for the sake of anything else.” ( Aristotle 10-11) Aristotle is the other view of happiness that will be discussed. With him and the Stoics, they are both kind of similar due to both believe in virtue for happiness, Aristotle says virtue a different way and other ways about happiness. Aristotle along with the Stoic’s believe that virtues is the same, but Aristotle says this about virtue “and if we take this kind of life to be activity of the soul and actions in accordance with reason, and the characteristic activity of the good person to be to carry this out well and nobly, and a characteristic activity to be accomplished well when it is accomplished in accordance with the appropriate virtue; then if this is so, the human good turns out to be
From the beginning of their evolution, human beings have been searching for the meaning of happiness. While many may see this to be an inconsequential question, others have devoted entire lives to the search for happiness. One such person who devoted a great deal of thought to the question of man's happiness was the famous ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle. In his book The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discussed the meaning of happiness and what it meant to live a good life. He asserted that the devise which has been invented to create what is good for man is called "politics;" and it "uses the rest of the sciences"¦so that this end must be the good for man." (Aristotle, I, ii) Aristotle also identified four general means by which people live their lives in order to gain happiness, but stated that only one was a means by which a person could actually attain it. According to Aristotle, it was not political power, wealth, or worldly pleasures by which a person could achieve real happiness, it was living a contemplative life.
Although, as Aristotle believes, everything we do in our life leads to some good, he makes it clear that some goods are subordinate to others, and that the greatest good is happiness. He believes that the knowledge of this good carries weight for our way of life, and makes us better able, like archers who have a target to aim at, to hit the right mark (Aristotle 2). To possess the ability to achieve this ultimate end; however, we must first have some sort of understanding as to what happiness is. The definition of happiness typically varies from person to person, some think it’s pleasure or something found in someone you love, others believe it lies in wealth and success, but Aristotle defines it as
In pre-modern times, drugs took on a role of medicinal use. As they were distributed in a free market without any constraints, Opium was recommended for sleepless nights, Cocaine for anesthesia, Hashish for relaxation (Hart, Ksir & Ray). These drugs were not dubbed as harmful, therefore, under the appropriate circumstances, provided beneficial effects to its users. More recently, individuals are more inclined to use drugs as an ‘escape’. Stimulants provide a sort of alternate existence which tends to reduce mental tension, increase energy, or induce euphoria (Hart, Ksir & Ray). Argumentatively speaking, drug use only affects the user, so there is no valid reasoning for impairing the freedom of citizens by prohibiting them. Individuals benefit by having the freedom to use
Happiness is what all human beings/rational beings desire. It is always the end (goal) of our activities, it is an unconditional good.
In order to understand why drugs should be decriminalized in this country, it is important to know
Happiness is the central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. All action is goal oriented and the goal of every action, is to reach happiness. According to Aristotle, happiness is “living well