
Armenian Genocide Research Paper

Decent Essays

The war between the Young Turks and the Armenians did not solve any problems, but rather just further deepened tensions between countries. It started off as a war for power because the Armenians demanded equal rights with the Turks in the government of the Ottoman Empire. However, due to the differing religions between the two groups, the Armenians were denied of their request as they were the minority. This lead the Turks to form a committee, the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), to reach a compromise with the Armenians so they could all live together in peace. However, out of fear that they would take over, the Young Turks completely disregarded this plan and decided to slaughter them by the thousands because they posed a slight threat. This increased tensions between opposing races and opposing countries since their Allies, such as Germany, would also be expected to take the side of the Turks and deny the brutality of the events that took place. …show more content…

On this historic day, also known as Remembrance Day, the Armenian people lead a march up an extensive hill to the memorial of those who died in the genocide. The people sport shirts of various colors and symbols, some with slogans relating to the genocide such as, “forget-me-not.” Many stores and attractions are closed on this day to observe the holiday and there are flyers and signs put up to advertise events going on around the city in honor of the country. Contrary to most, this march was a peaceful one filled with numerous people with one common goal at hand, to honor their fellow friends and family members who died tragically during the genocide and raise awareness toward the reality of the

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