
Armenian Genocide Thesis

Decent Essays

Prior to taking this class, Information Literacy and Research Skills, I had not given much thought to the Armenian Genocide. I knew it had happened roughly a hundred years ago and I knew that it was somewhat monumental. However, thanks in part to the horrific nature of holocaust during World War II, learning of the Armenian Genocide was ultimately overshadowed. Alas, thanks to chance, my knowledge of the Armenian Genocide grew nearly exponentially. I began the assignment considering my research question which was, “What was the cause and reason behind the Armenian Genocide?”. This research question is an important question because if one is able to understand the reasons why such a tragedy occurred, one is less likely to repeat or allow a repeat of history. The reasoning behind my research question slowly formed into my thesis statement. This is my thesis statement: By understanding the causes and reasons for the Armenian Genocide, future generations can better realize ways of preventing such terrible tragedies from repeating. …show more content…

So, I did not find any sources or information that went against any of my beliefs. Despite some people calling it the “Armenian Massacre” as opposed to the “Armenian Genocide”, the point still stood that many innocent people were brutally murdered by the Turkish government. All the information found during the research led me to one truth, this is important history that at the very least every high-school student should know. I tried to incorporate different sources with different backgrounds and convictions. This is to ensure that the potential research paper is filled with as much clear and unbiased information as possible. Nonetheless, it is clear that this genocide happened because of religious intolerance, political dispute, and a hatred for neighbors. The lessons from this terrible account compliment the lessons many learn from the

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