
Armstrong Vs Descartes Essay

Decent Essays

Armstrong makes it clear in his paper, that the mind can best be explained by modern science. He states, “at present the drift of scientific thought is clearly set towards the physico-chemical hypothesis. And we have nothing better to go on than the present” (Armstrong 280). This states that he strongly believes that the mind is unified as a functional system and the facts of science can best show what the mind really is. He then goes on to inform us, “it is only as a result of scientific investigation that we ever seem to reach an intellectual consensus about controversial matters” (Armstrong 280). He holds the idea that only through science and solid theory, will the people all be able to come to an agreement on something that can be disputed …show more content…

One major difference between their thoughts on the mind would be that Descartes believes that the mind is a non-physical cause while Armstrong believes that it is a physical cause. This difference may seem small when you compare it to the two philosophers’ similarities, but it can cause much debate. Descartes states in his writing of Meditation I, “I will obstinately concentrate on this meditation and will thus ensure by mental resolution that, if I do not really have the ability to know the truth, I will at least withhold assent from what is false and from what a deceiver may try to put over on me” (Descartes 159). Descartes cannot be certain that we are not dreaming nor all victims of an all-powerful deceiver. These two philosophers do not agree on whether or not the mind is a physical cause, but they do both that other minds are knowable in an indirect manner. I understand the argument of both philosophers, but I agree more with the understanding that our mind is a physical cause. I am more of a scientific and facts person so the idea that we are being deceived by someone and we do not realize it really does not make sense to me. We do understand the fact that we do not know everything and I firmly believe that we never will. Theory is called theory for a reason and not fact because it has not been proven. We can study and learn new things all we want, but we have to understand that as we learn new things, we will only uncover more

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