
Arson Investigation

Decent Essays

Arson is a serious issue and the investigation of it requires a great deal of examination and experience. When the thought comes to mind how a person can be so, unconcern with fire there is a lot to consider. There are many areas of focus when it comes to investigating arson, along with procedures legal entries, and obligations and responsibilities of the examining team. There are great usages for Arson inspectors in our world today and with the right examiner/team, the job is according to the laws and requirement. When the thought comes to mind that it was just a simple fire there could be questionable evidence that shows arson. The discussion shall be addressing the focus areas, procedures, legal entry, and evidence collecting.
When it …show more content…

The primary thing is to identify initial caller. When doing so there has to be a determining factor whether the call was from the police/fire tape or through interviews. This began to build on the foundation as to what caused the fire and which direction needs to be the primary focus relating to the fire. Next, reviewing photo and diagram help eliminate or gear the investigator to probable cause of the fire. Next, the insurance information is useful when there is potential fraud involved. There are many times organizations falls short and resources become very low. This is when arson sometimes comes into play and that is where to investigator review the insurance information for the individual entity, which are impacted. Sometimes there is advice give, which is not good advice. After all, who want to be a part of an arson investigation when it comes to a business that they have placed their all …show more content…

The key is to ensure that the foundation is established and that ever matter is reviewed and evaluated. This needs to be completed at all cost to ensure that the person of interest is evaluated mentally and emotionally. “The fire investigation at the scene must be performed at or near the time of the fire. An exception may be when the investigation of a fire that occurred at night halts and recommences in the morning due to lack of light, assistance, better conditions, and hazard conditions still exist” (America Re-Insurance Comany, 1996). This ensures that there is no evidence tampered with and there is a fresh perspective on the fire.
The procedure in which the crime scene team leader need to do is keep record of the date, time, weather conditions, individuals present, position of lights, doors security, and ventilation system status. This allows the individual investigator to run smoothly through all the probable causes and the elimination

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