
Art Appreciation: Vincent Van Gogh

Decent Essays

Tranquil Melodies

In Art Appreciation on the first week, we watched a video that showed multiple pieces of artwork from Vincent Van Gogh, and it played the song “Vincent” by Don Mclean. This presentation was interesting, and obviously deep. The song seems to be describing Vincent’s life and motives as an artist. The song and display of art made me feel tranquil, or calm and relaxed. I liked the lyrics to the song, but what I find most interesting is how the progress between the different self portraits of Vincent is apparent.

The song “Vincent” by Mclean has a slow and light tune. The main emotion I feel when watching this video is tranquility. Seeing most of the art for the first time, I somewhat became lost in the amazing details and designs Van Gogh has used. The music, along with the slide show of beautiful and wondrous artwork, aided in my emotions on this video. I had never heard the song before either. The song itself revealed much information about Vincent that I was unaware of. Though, mainly, I believe the song actually molded my first impression on Van Gogh. The song made him out to be a misunderstood individual who may not have been well liked by a majority. A verse from the song goes, “ For they could not love you, but still your love was true, and when no hope was left in sight on that starry, starry night, you took your life, as lovers always do.” I do enjoy the …show more content…

I can see a huge difference in his efforts as the number of his portraits rise. At first, they are dark, and seem mysterious with much contrast. I believe in his later work, he is even surrounded by brighter colors and even wearing a bright yellow hat, as opposed to some of his earlier work, where he appears pale and surrounded by black. At a time in his life, Vincent moved to Paris, France. After doing so you can tell a difference in his work. His life in Paris seemed to have changed him. After he moved, his paintings were brighter, and seem

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