
Arthur Miller Essay

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Arthur Miller Arthur Miller, in his plays, deals with the injustice of society's moral values and the characters who are vulnerable to its cruelty. A good majority of these plays were very successful and earned numerous awards. According to Brooks Atkinson, a critic for the New York Times, Miller's play Death of a Salesman was successful because the play "is so simple in style and so inevitable in theme that it scarcely seems like a thing that has been written and acted. For Mr. Miller has looked with compassion into the hearts of some ordinary Americans and quietly transferred their hopes and anguish to the theater" (Babusci 1261). This play, in 1949, received the Pulitzer Prize, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the …show more content…

He "is one of society's victims, one of those "who landed in the ash can." As Miller explains it, society chews up Willy because he has broken "the law which says a failure in society and in business has no right to live"" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman 96). In Howard’s office Willy recalls the memory of whom he considered a great salesman, Dave Singleman. He was well liked and popular with his buyers, even to his death. Hundreds of salesman and buyers were at his funeral. Willy wanted to be just like this man, but...all the buyers he once knew are dead, and all the new age buyers care about is getting a deal over and done with. There’s no personality in it anymore. He can’t pay his insurance... "In brief glimses, Willy recognizes that he is a victim. After he is fired, he complains to Charley, "After all the highways and the trains, and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive"" (Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations: Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman 96). And his boss doesn't even care. During the scene in his office he is preoccupied with his "new toy" a wire recorder. As Willy's life falls apart,

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