
Artistic Self-Criticism In Anne Bradstreet's The Author To Her Book

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Artistic Self Criticism “I’m my own worst critic, so critics step your hate game up”, is a lyric from NF’s song Motivated (NF). NF is arguing that as an artist, he is the strongest critic of his music. Author, Anne Bradstreet, is also a harsh critic of her work. In fact, Bradstreet writes a poem, “The Author to Her Book”, illustrating the process of artistic self-criticism. We can recognize that artists are often the harshest critics for their works, however, used correctly, this continuous artistic self-criticism creates a beautiful work of art. Artistic self-criticism is a process, the steps of which are illustrated in “The Author to Her Book”. The first step in artistic self-criticism is creation. Before the criticism can begin their needs to be a work to edit. The initial work can be a rough draft, sketch, outline or just a starting idea. This is not the work artists present to others, as Bradstreet illustrates “Who after birth didst by my side remain” (2). Even though this work is not displayed for others, it still comes under heavy scrutiny, which leads to the second phase. Next in the artistic process comes the criticism itself. Although every stage of a work requires contemplation, artists generally devout a time solely for revision, which is the criticism phase. Serious artists understand that their first draft is not perfect, and are able to improve it. First, they analyze for faults, and likely, because of these faults there will be a certain disappointment

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